Talking Out Loud with Danae
Talking Out Loud with Danae
Cancer, body image, and wearing that swimsuit
One in every two of us will be affected by cancer at some point in our lives. Today Dr. Philippa Kaye, GP and author, comes on the show to talk about cancer and body image.
When Dr. Philippa was 39, she was told she had bowel cancer. It changed everything.
“I spent my whole life firmly believing that knowledge is power. And then suddenly here I was, and the knowledge wasn’t helping me," she explains. "Doctors are always trained on what’s next. We’re trained to weigh up risks and benefits in our head — and they weren’t always in my favor.”
Now Dr Philippa, author of Doctors Get Cancer Too, is focused on helping others navigate their own journey.
On the show today, we discuss:
- How long term illness impacts body image
- What she wished well-meaning friends would have known
- The tools she used to navigate her cancer journey
- How she approached scars
- Why she's still wearing that two piece
For more information on Dr. Philippa, please visit drphilippakaye.com or find her on Instagram at instagram.com/drphilippakaye